Project Description

Laadli – Remedial Education & Outreach Scholarship Program

Laadli is a comprehensive program aimed at promoting gender equality and quality education for girls from underprivileged communities in India. The project focuses on providing remedial education support, bridging the education gap, and empowering girls to enroll back in school. Laadli Laadli also aims to create awareness among the community, strengthen the support system of government schools, upgrade infrastructure, provide vocational training, and offer outreach scholarships to support students in continuing their higher studies.

Project Objectives:

  1. Creating awareness on gender equality & promoting girls’ education:
  • Utilize the Remedial Education Centre as a platform to create awareness about the importance of girls’ education and gender equality.
  • Collaborate with existing community and government resources to bridge the gap for girls who are irregular or have dropped out, encouraging their re-enrollment in school.
  • Disseminate information about interventions and initiatives by the state/central government to promote girls’ education.
  1. Remedial education support:
  • Provide remedial education to underprivileged girls to bring their learning level at par with their age/grade.
  • Focus on specific subjects like science, math, Hindi, and impart basic literacy, while incorporating creative learning and computer education.
  • Foster peer-to-peer learning and one-on-one mentorship through interns/fellows, addressing the individual needs of the girls and helping them be regular in school or re-enroll dropouts.
  1. Support system for government schools:
  • Collaborate with government schools to enhance retention rates and work towards behavioral changes in both parents and children.
  • Establish support systems that involve parents, teachers, and community members to ensure a conducive learning environment for girls.
  • Organize workshops and awareness programs for parents on the importance of girls’ education and the role they can play in supporting their daughters’ educational journey.
  1. Upgradation of infrastructure support in government schools:
  • Identify infrastructure gaps in government schools and work towards their upgradation, creating a safe and conducive learning environment for girls.
  • Collaborate with local authorities, community members, and relevant stakeholders to mobilize resources and support infrastructure development initiatives.
  1. Vocational training for students in government schools:
  • Introduce vocational training programs in government schools to equip girls with practical skills that enhance their employability and future prospects.
  • Identify skill areas based on local market demands and provide training in collaboration with industry partners, NGOs, and vocational training institutes.
  1. Focus on life skills & soft skills:
  • Incorporate life skills and soft skills training into the curriculum, empowering girls with essential skills such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • Conduct workshops and interactive sessions to enhance their personal development, self-confidence, and overall well-being.
  1. Outreach scholarship support:
  • Provide scholarships to deserving students to support their higher education.
  • Establish a transparent and inclusive selection process based on merit and financial need.
  • Offer guidance and mentorship to scholarship recipients to navigate their educational and career pathways effectively.
