Meera loves coming to the Laadli Center at PraveenLata Sansthan to learn English and receive tutoring on maths and Hindi. She loves coming to the center to see her friends and to learn how to create handicrafts that can provide an income in the future. But most importantly, Meera loves coming to the center because she feels safe, she feels cared for, and she receives encouragement and motivation that are scarce elsewhere.

Meera is a superhero.
Meera is going to change the world.

Just a couple of years ago, Meera’s school attendance was irregular as she had to help her family earn an income and she also had a lack of interest. Along with her mother and sisters, she would work, clean, and perform household duties. When asked what she wanted to do when she became an adult, she would answer that she would be a housewife – because that was the inevitable expectation.

Now Meera comes daily to the center and sits alongside many of her friends. Aisha, a rescued child bride, and Harini, a girl no longer begging on the streets. Their pasts do not matter but instead they focus on today and their futures, which are now looking much brighter and diverse.

Through the help of the volunteers of PraveenLata Sansthan, Meera has improved her education and is growing quickly into one of the sharpest girls. She always has a smile on her face and rarely misses a day. She is being taught how to create products so she can become an entrepreneur and be self-sustaining in her life.

So how is Meera going to change the world?
With her mind.

You see, hope and passion are contagious. Like an eternal flame, they can be hidden, blown, and splashed, but not extinguished. And when they shine, they shine for all to see. By inspiring Meera and showing her what is possible and providing her with the tools to do it, she is actually being given the power to make huge changes.

Other girls will see her hope and realize there is something better out there, and imagine they might be able to reach it too. Other girls will see her passion and become aware of the hole in their heart needing to be filled with something to make daily life worthwhile. Those girls then inspire other girls, who inspire others, and those girls inspire even more girls.

Meera, and other girls like her, are dependent on the volunteers and financial contributions from readers like you. By providing a secure, reliable facility where she can learn, explore, and be herself, Meera and others are going to change the world. We hope you’ll join us in this endeavor by donating to a world-changer today. Nothing is too little or too much.

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For the privacy of the girls involved in the program, names have been changed.